Sangat Bagus Dalam Memproduksi Berbagai Jenis Mesin Peralatan Pemotongan Dan Pengolahan Sayuran, Buah, Daging, Dan Isian, Juga Dapat Menangani Berbagai Bentuk Dan Ukuran.

Profil Perusahaan

Pemasok dan desain profesionalKami khusus memproduksi peralatan mesin pengolahan sayuran, buah, dan daging.

Mesin pemotong sayuran yang tahan lamaMenghemat waktu dan tenaga, tahan lama, Anda harus memiliki mesin pemotong MING CHUN.

Layanan purna jual yang sangat baikOperasi dan pemeliharaan yang mudah, MING CHUN akan merawat semua kebutuhan Anda dengan baik.

Keunggulan Kami

Ming Chun Machinery adalah pabrik terkemuka dalam pembuatan mesin untuk pemrosesan makanan, khususnya dalam pembuatan peralatan untuk persiapan makanan, mesin pemrosesan sayuran, pemotong sayuran, mesin pemotong daging, dan mesin pemrosesan isian.


Tahun Pengalaman


Patent Peralatan


Kepuasan Pelanggan

Vegetable Slicer Dicer Cutter Machine

Multi Vegetable Cutting Machine direct-current version specialize in processing of rooting and leafy vegetables and fruits with two different function sides, operate both sides to process the ingredients at the same time. It can slice, shred and dice the ingredients, all thickness can be adjusted by control buttons of cutters and belt conveyor's speed. Concerned the food safety, we design it to be easy to install, remove, operate and clean.

Lebih +
Vegetable Slicer Dicer Cutter Machine

Multifunction Vegetable Cutter machine alternating current version contains two sides to process the ingredients, can operate both sides at the same time. It can be sliced, shredded, strips and dice. All thickness can be custom-made and adjust by cutters and belt conveyor. It is easy to install, remove, operate and clean, meet the food safety. Also can customize a digital panel for more convenience operating.

Lebih +
Bowl Chopper / Cutter Machine

Bowl Chopper can cut many kinds of vegetables, fruits and plants, you can have various shapes by adjusting the turning time and the blades turning speed in a short time. If you want the ingredients in big granules, short turning time will be okay. If you want the ingredients in small granules, long turning time will suit your need. It contains transparent observation window and adjusting the speed of the blades, you can easily control the ingredients' status. The detachable pot is easy to install, remove, operate and clean.

Lebih +